Monday, April 10, 2017

Love of the Gloves

It’s not even summer and the heat in here is stifling. A cool breeze that occasionally blows through the open windows is the only relief you feel. The sound of a young fist punching the bag echos throughout the no-frills gym. A giant tire and a sledgehammer is how you condition. A punching bag taped up from years of young fists pounding away on it hangs in a corner.  An “old school” ring with nothing but four corners and a bell stands in the center. Shelves with dozens of old boxing trophies and pictures of current and former students proudly hang on the walls. And in the center, is the man who started it all.
Herberto “Beto” Carr, a Mercedes native beams with pride as he talks about how he coaches local young men and women to become fighters. Most go for lessons in self-defense, others for a work out, and a privileged few, not only strive to, but become champions.

One of the best-known alumni of Beto’s Gym is Mercedes’ own, Tomas Barrientes. Barrientes went on to win numerous local fights and eventually become an IBA Light Welterweight champion.

Carr’s love of boxing began in 1951. A 19-year old boy enlisted in the U.S. Army. It was here that he trained and fell in love with the sport. After being honorably discharged and the recipient of a Purple Heart, Carr decided to share his skills with the local youngsters of his hometown.
In 1978, Beto’s Boxing Team was born in his backyard.  Since then, his team has bounced around, even taking residence in the Retama for a few years after a fire tore through their building. For the last two years, the team has practiced in a warehouse on 434 S. Ohio Avenue.
 “We’re not here to make money,” said Carr,. “We charge a small fee of $25 a month that we use to buy equipment and things for the club. If a kid doesn’t have money, well that’s ok too. We just want to get him or her in here.”
Over the years, Carr has worked with hundreds of youth from Mercedes and surrounding areas. Each year, he takes his best boxers to compete in amateur tournaments around the country. Most of the time, at his own expense or with the help of local sponsors.
Today, boys and girls wanting to learn from the best go to Beto’s every afternoon. The number of attendees can vary from day to day, but the lessons and traditions instilled in them do not. It’s not just boxing skills that kids learn when they walk into the gym. Beto and his coaches, including his son Stanley, strive to instill discipline, confidence, and most importantly, safety. They are not only molding young boxers, but men and women with confidence and discipline. The first rule they learn; to greet and shake the hands of everyone in the room as they enter. With this simple rule, the concept of unity is engraved in their minds.
It’s not just his love for the sport, but Carr’s desire to work with local kids that keeps him going. “Even if we have just two kids in here, that’s all I need,” he said. “If they’re willing to work and train, I’ll take them.”

Carr’s has also worked as a member of the Chief of Officials for USA Boxing, the governing body for amateur boxing. With these tasks, it’s easy to ask when will he hang up the gloves. My guess is not anytime soon.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Law of Attraction

So I have been on this magical "transformation" of living with gratitude and positive thinking. It's a lot harder than it sounds.. and sometimes, its down right impossible.

"we become what we think about; energy flows where attention goes." - rhonda byrne

That quote, basically, sums up with the entire program is about. In other words, you are what you attract. And you attract what you think. Sounds easy enough.. well its not.

There are 3 things you need to do to get started:

#1 First and foremost, you need to BELIEVE. If you don't believe, you don't receive.

#2 You need to learn to live with GRATITUDE. Be grateful for everything you see and hear..

#3 You have to VISUALIZE.. see it, believe it.. know it..

That's it! Get those three things in order and you are well on your way to having it all.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Three Years..

It’s been three years....

Three years sounds like a long time, but it actually got here in the blink of an eye. And in that blink I have learned so much…

I learned that things don’t always turn out the way you had planned or the way you think they should, but life still goes on....
I learned that some broken things can easily be put back together and some require a lot more work and sometimes still don’t get fixed.
I learned that sometimes we have to experience things we don’t understand and that it’s ok to ask questions you may never get the answers to.

But most importantly, I learned that you can get through the really bad times, and even start enjoying some of the good times, as long as you have people in your life who love you.

I continue to be in awe of his spirit and sense of humor. He continues to be my hero and one of the loves of my life. And I will forever hold dear all of the lessons these three years have taught me and hope for nothing more than a life filled with gratitude and love.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tuesday Nights

For about the last 4 years we have celebrated almost every Tuesday night in Summer. It started out as sharing dinner between two families to what it is now.. a hodgepodge of food and about 30 people. Our conversations range from political to religious to risque and everything in between. Last night was no exception.

Topics of conversation:

1. A church in Portland that we MUST see.

The Schoenstatt Shrine provides for you a natural and supernatural home. You will experience tranquility, peace and most of all our Lady of Schoenstatt, the Mother of God. She offers the grace of a home in her Mother heart for everyone who seeks answers in the confusion and uncertainty of life.


2. Using semen on your face..

Yes, we did talk about that. This topic peaked my interest so I had to do a little research.

This is what I found:

Heather Locklear swears by it.

There are swanky places in New York where you can get a semen facial.

3. Todays strippers have nothing on the ones of our past.

4. Magic Mike had a TERRIBLE storyline but I would still go watch it again.

5. Some of us have a bigger "love canal" than others.

Tuesday Nights have become my favorite day of the week. There is nothing better than good food, great company, and lots and lots of laughs.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Beautifully Uncertain

Day 31: What is YOUR most Beautiful Uncertainty?

Today I choose to celebrate the fact that I DONT have it all together... that there is still uncertainty in my life and I have my beautiful children to help me figure it all out.

I will take bigger chances and not sweat the small stuff. I will enjoy the chaos and live in every single moment I have. I will TRY to do it with grace and humility, and on the days I cant, I will know that I will be forgiven and given yet ANOTHER opportunity to try again.

I plan to do this with faith and guidance from the big man himself.. I will embrace the good, the bad, and even the ugly and take every minute of every exhausting day for what it is.. just another moment on this wild ride of life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Beginning today..

Today, 44 years and (almost) 2 months after my birth, 12000 feet in the air, high above the clouds, I have decided that I WILL be significant. I have decided that mediocrity is no longer enough, and it is officially time to take charge of my life and no longer exist but LIVE.

How will I do this? I have no freaking idea. But rest assured, I WILL do it..

Beginning today, I refuse to live in fear for one more second. Will I regret it? Probably.. but nothing great ever came of playing safe.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Missing Myself

Apparently, I have a tone in my voice that will probably cost me my marriage, along with all my other worldly possessions.

I try to tone it down, I really do, but that's really hard to do when you don't realize you're doing it.

I miss the days of freedom, I miss the days I didn't have to practice in my head how I was going to say something before it comes out of my mouth.

I miss enjoying my own company.

But mainly, I miss being myself.