Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Beginning today..

Today, 44 years and (almost) 2 months after my birth, 12000 feet in the air, high above the clouds, I have decided that I WILL be significant. I have decided that mediocrity is no longer enough, and it is officially time to take charge of my life and no longer exist but LIVE.

How will I do this? I have no freaking idea. But rest assured, I WILL do it..

Beginning today, I refuse to live in fear for one more second. Will I regret it? Probably.. but nothing great ever came of playing safe.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Missing Myself

Apparently, I have a tone in my voice that will probably cost me my marriage, along with all my other worldly possessions.

I try to tone it down, I really do, but that's really hard to do when you don't realize you're doing it.

I miss the days of freedom, I miss the days I didn't have to practice in my head how I was going to say something before it comes out of my mouth.

I miss enjoying my own company.

But mainly, I miss being myself.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Beautifully Uncertain - Enjoying the Moment

Day 19: Enjoy the Moment More, Capture the Moment Less
I cant believe this 31 day challenge has taken me over two months and I STILL have not completed it!

Today's challenge was to put the phone down and live in the moment. And on our recent Spring Break trip to New York, that's EXACTLY what I did!

It’s easy to get caught up in our phones and our Facebook feeds and our online lives so much that we neglect our ACTUAL lives.. So I took a step away from my online life and focused on the life right in front of me. I resisted the urge to take the picture and post it for the world to see as much as possible and took actual pictures, with a camera!

Yes, the challenge was to take MENTAL pics but I'm 44 now, that image will be long forgotten in a few days.. a picture, however, will last a lifetime. What I did do was keep the phone in my purse, only to be looked at in the evening when I got back to my room. (Do you have any idea how long the battery lasts when you do that??) It was so incredibly liberating!

So much so that I think I want to do that EVERYDAY!