Thursday, June 25, 2015

Are you Really Happy or Just Really Comfortable?

That seems to be the question that has haunted me lately. The honest answer, I really don't know.
There are days when things are going well.. life has its usual ups and downs and throws you a curve ball every now and then but, for the most part, things are chugging along. Then something happens, comes out of nowhere, and you start to think... "is THIS really IT for me?" Is THIS the life I had planned for myself?

Obviously, my plan was never to have had three children by the age of 26. Don't get me wrong,  I don't regret any of it, on the contrary, having my kids so young has allowed me to think the way I have been. I see my friends now still struggling with finding babysitters, exhausted, and I remember that feeling,.. I would go back to that in a second if I had the chance, btw...and I love that I am free to do so much now, and I'm still young enough to enjoy it. Having my kids so young is what has led me here.. to where I am today.

For the past twenty years, my days were filled with ball games, practices, school functions, and shuttling them around. For the most part, all of that is over for me, and my kids now drive themselves... so I now have all of this extra time.. Time to think, time to contemplate, time to wonder.. so now I ask myself.. "am I really happy or am I really comfortable"?
Do I even know the difference anymore?

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