Monday, December 28, 2015

Klari's 16th Birthday

Where did the years go? It seems like just yesterday your dad and I were waiting to meet you; Anxious to know what you looked like, whose eyes you would have… We had so many questions.
Now here we are, on the eve of your sixteenth birthday... In two short years you’ll be packing your bags for college, work, or wherever God has you going next. You’ll be voting and driving. Thinking about adult topics like careers and marriage.
But before that happens, I’d like to pass ...on a few thoughts:
1. Don’t Neglect Your Most Important Relationship
I’m not talking about your relationship with me, or your relationship with your dad. Not even the relationship you’ll have with your future husband. I’m talking about your relationship with God. Always make time for Him.
Life won’t be perfect, but with HIM you will have all the wisdom, assurance, and comfort you need.
2. Try Your Best and Don’t Worry About the Rest.
You do not have to be perfect. None of us are perfect. You just continue putting out the effort and Trust God for the results.
3. Education Doesn’t End at 18 {or 22}
I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but learning is a lifelong process. I’m WAY older than you and I still learn something new every day. Whatever you do, don't ever stop learning.. about the little things and about yourself.
4. Risky Business is OK {Within Reason}
Risks. I know you hate them. I don’t think it’s so much the risk that is scary but the fear of failure. Most people are wrong about failure, though. Failure is not bad. It is merely a chance to learn from our mistakes (see point #3).
5. You Are a "Masterpiece".
I love that word. You are God’s masterpiece…a beautiful work of art. Treasured by me and by your dad and everyone who knows and loves you.

I know you have exciting times ahead! Life is never boring when you live it with your whole heart.... Happy Sweet 16!
Love, mom and dad..

originally posted Dec 3, 2014

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