Monday, February 29, 2016

Beautifuuly Uncertain - Pinterest , Trust, and Closing a Chapter

Day 15: World’s Largest Vision Board

PINTEREST - need I say more..

Because that’s what life is about: Capturing the moment. Grabbing hold of it and refusing to let it slip from your grasp simply because you’re tired or inconvenienced or in a hurry. ~Beautiful Uncertainty
Day 20: Trust without Borders
Today’s challenge is very simple.
Say this prayer…and leave the rest to God.

Day 21: Close a Chapter
Today's challenge was to close a chapter. And that's what I did. I have accepted the fact that things will never be like I want them to be and it's time to move on. 

For every chapter that ends…another begins. ~Beautiful Uncertainty

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Beautifully Uncertain - Prayers and God Winks

Day 26 was quite simple…sort of..
I was instructed to say this prayer over all relationships and just sit back and let God to the rest.


The prayer - I can say.. sitting back, now THAT is the hard part.

Day 27: God Wink
Todays goal was to be bold with God and ask Him for a God Wink. So I did.. and I waited and waited.. and waited.. and just when I was about to give up - He came to me! In a fortune cookie, no less..

Day 29: Send a Letter to Your Future Self

Today's challenge was to visit and write your future self a letter, to be delivered at any time in the future in which you choose (I chose a year from today) I wrote my hopes and goals and plans for the future and I sent it off. A year from now Future Me and Past Me will collide and compare notes. I am hoping that a year from now, things will be different, personally and professionally. I hope that on this day, one year from now, I will be reading that letter to myself and admiring just how far I have come. In the off chance that I haven't and im in the EXACT same place I am now.. I have instructed myself to kick my own ass!

Day 30: What Does THIS Woman Want?

The instructions for today were to sit down and write out the qualities that you’re looking for in your future husband. Since that's not AT ALL what this is about I had initially thought to skip it all together but then I decided not to.. I don't know if its because I feel as if though something is missing in my life or it just seemed like a fun thing to do, but I did it.
We were told to list as many qualities as we wanted and to be as specific as possible.

So here goes.. I want someone who puts me first.. above all else.. who WANTS to be with me.. who NEEDS to be with me. THAT'S IT!

That's not too hard is it?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Day 16: Beautifully Uncertain, A Little Step Toward Your Big Dream

Day 16: A Little Step Toward Your Big Dream
Todays goal was about taking a small step towards a big Dream. It's hard to have concrete goals when you really don't know what you want to do.. I DO know I want to be out of debt, I know I want to travel the world, and I know I love to be around people.. so I decided to take a huge leap of faith and sign up to be a Stella and Dot Stylist.

For one, I LOVE their jewelry, I believe every single product is superior to all others, and I get discounts! What's not to love?

So I used my last $200 and made the investment.

Because TINY steps taken in faith are better than allowing fear and doubt and hesitation keep you stuck. And even the tiniest steps, taken faithfully, will eventually get you to your destination. ~Beautiful Uncertainty