Thursday, January 28, 2016

Beautifully Uncertain - Life Everlasting

Day 5 Vision Board

Creating a vision board.. in a way, this post in my vision board.. it's all I have wanted to do for some time now.. put my words down.. write, travel, and then write about my travels..

Days 6 - A Date with God &  Day7 are about God and closure.. for me , those two came hand in hand. My grandmother passed away this week and I have never felt closure or HIS presence than I have these last few days.

While I have a ton of regrets, I also have hope.. Hope that I will get to see her again, hope that I have made her proud, and hope that there is life everlasting..

RIP Grandma..

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beautifully Uncertain - One Year, One Goal

Day 4 One Year, One Goal

While there are many things I want to accomplish this year, like finally tackling that back room that has been bothering me for years, I am instructed to pick one goal, write it down, share it with the world, and don't stop working till I accomplish it..

So that's what I am doing..

My ONE goal for 2016 is to pay off ALL of my credit cards.. every single one.. and then throw a big ass party.. which I will pay for in cash..

So here is the plan... I have taken all of my credit card bills, listed them all on a spreadsheet with balance, APR, and min payment, then arranged them in order by highest APR.

The one with the highest gets paid off first, all the others get the minimum payment. When the first one is paid off, you apply that monthly amount to the second card and pay all of that until it is paid off. Once that card is paid, you take the money from both of the first two cards and apply it to the payment of the third card.. get it.. it's called the snowball effect.. fingers crossed it works..

Monday, January 18, 2016

Beautifully Uncertain

I came across a blog the other day that really caught my eye. The entire page is geared towards single women, which I am not, but I still managed to relate to so much of it. So much so that I decided to try their 31 day Challenge. Check out the page here..

I am already three weeks behind so I need to do some MAJOR catching up.. details of week one can be found here..

Day 1 - Quite Reflection

How I wish I had an entire day to dedicate to this but it's just not possible.. Lately, I feel as if there is always someone or something that requires some part of my attention. I did, however, take a drive to my moms.. I turned up the radio and sang along and shut everything else out.. (I may have missed the quite part).  It wasn't a long drive but it helped me clear my mind.. even if it was just for a few minutes..

I hope I can remember to do this daily.. odds are slim..

Friday, January 15, 2016

Dr. Seuss

Tomorrow, my son leaves for anther semester of college. A part of me is sad. I know the house will feel different without him there. But another part of me is happy, too. Happy that he gets to experience this. Happy that he is one year closer to finishing. Happy that he is one year closer to being on his own (why lie?)
It seems that everything you need to know about life you can learn from The Doctor - Dr. Seuss, that is.

Here’s a nice breakdown of what it takes to get places.. "The BRAINS in your head give your body the DIRECTIONS it needs to take you where you want to go. You just have to know where it is you want to go. DETERMINING your destination is PRIORITY ONE. What the brain can dream up, the body can fulfill as long as there is a strong DETERMINATION  and a clear vision of what it is that is wanted. The great part is that this is all up to you, you have plenty of choices, and there are countless directions that you can head."

Here's to hoping he has the vision, determination, and the brains to make it happen.. in two years or less.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days"..

 I have found myself at that crossroad yet again, wondering what direction to go in, knowing that whatever decision I make not only impacts my life, but that of my children, as well.

One direction takes me home, figuratively speaking, where it's safe and, somewhat, comfortable. The other takes me somewhere entirely different. Someplace I don't know of, someplace I have never been..

I have always been, what I like to call, a "safe adventurist". I don't jump out of planes, but I have gone parasailing, I wont swim with the sharks, but I would love to slide by them in a very protected glass case.. see where I am going with this.. I like the adventure, as long as I KNOW I am safe, the danger is limited, the damage is close to none.

I had my first child at 21, my second at 23, my third at 26.. being dangerous wasn't really an option. I had no choice but to play it safe.. and honestly, I was ok with that. As far as I was concerned, three kids under 5 at that age was all the danger I could handle.. but now my kids are older and I am feeling a little "out of sorts". I don't feel as if I have missed anything, quite the contrary, I have lived a full and rich life.. it's more of a "what now" feeling..

You plan your entire adult life thinking that once the kids go away to school, or once they move out, or once they get married - then your life will be your own - but that's not true. They will always be a part of me and I of them and whatever choices I make will always impact them. It will impact how they spend their holidays, how they choose to raise their children, how they will see relationships.. so I find myself at a crossroads.. do I play it safe and live a life I know and am merely comfortable with or do I go into the unknown and take a chance on myself?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I was presented with a 30 day No Junk food Challenge and it goes something like this..

Since the first four are practically major food groups in my home, I hesitated, for a minute but then I decided...

So today is DAY ONE..

For the last few months, something has been "off". I cant quite put  my finger on it but I just haven't felt like myself. I decided it was time I did something about it.. so I thought what's better than trying a yoga class.. start slow, do a little stretching, get in touch with my "inner self", maybe meditate a bit...

WOAH! That was NOT what I thought it was going to be! It hurt! Like, ALOT!

I couldn't do ANY of the moves, I couldn't stretch AT ALL.. and the only part of my "inner self" I almost got in touch with was the part that almost came out of my mouth..

About the only part I could do was the laying down meditation portion.. and even then, I almost fell asleep.. till my phone rang.. and disrupted the entire class.

But I will try again tomorrow!

{Work out log: 1 hr attempted yoga   30 min treadmill}