Friday, January 15, 2016

Dr. Seuss

Tomorrow, my son leaves for anther semester of college. A part of me is sad. I know the house will feel different without him there. But another part of me is happy, too. Happy that he gets to experience this. Happy that he is one year closer to finishing. Happy that he is one year closer to being on his own (why lie?)
It seems that everything you need to know about life you can learn from The Doctor - Dr. Seuss, that is.

Here’s a nice breakdown of what it takes to get places.. "The BRAINS in your head give your body the DIRECTIONS it needs to take you where you want to go. You just have to know where it is you want to go. DETERMINING your destination is PRIORITY ONE. What the brain can dream up, the body can fulfill as long as there is a strong DETERMINATION  and a clear vision of what it is that is wanted. The great part is that this is all up to you, you have plenty of choices, and there are countless directions that you can head."

Here's to hoping he has the vision, determination, and the brains to make it happen.. in two years or less.

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